It was a response to a midnight call on a remote campsite in 2019 from the lord to “wake up and strengthen the things that remain” that birthed the Don’t Walk in the dark project. There was bad weather rolling in, I had been warned- but was badly prepared. It was this bad weather and the need for Gods people to prepare that by the power of God his provision has been provided to bring the message don't walk in the dark.
They do not know nor do they understand, they walk around in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Psalm 82v2
This is an emergency call for Christian's to pick up, stand on and live by the power of the Word of God. The bad weather seems to be very much on the horizon, and the storm that is coming will only be to refine the church and prove our hearts- the lord disciplines those who he loves. This storm may revive those with a heart for him yet much chaff will be swept away with it.
The Don't Walk into Dark project has grown from the Big Rock café – Porthmadog. We have seen the fruits of raising up the word of God on our high street – we have found life and his keeping power since 2005.
We are now seeking opportunities to stand with and strengthen the church, small groups and Christians in the UK with the straightforward message are you reading the bible? How can we live it, understand it and act upon it?
Matthew 5 tells us to not hide the light of the word of God under a bushel or even under the bed. The lord has such love for his churches listed in Revelation but it is only the church with the light of the word on the lamp stand that the lord walks among- we must heed this warning. Yes – our attitude towards the lord and his word is the deciding factor in the days ahead.
Any thoughts of ensuing darkness cause us to want to hunker down and thoughts of storms make us want to bolt the doors. But the landscape changing word requires lifting up that all who see it may have a choice to respond.
It took great encouragement from Isaiah 42 .
A broken bruised he will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish.
If we were honest with our selves – the church in this nation has failed in its job to raise the power of the word of God to it's importance. And the storm coming upon us will bruise many reeds. But the lord in his grace has not finished with us yet . That in the days ahead he may walk amongst churches that stand as lamp stands before the world.
Graham and Charlotte Whiteman are directors of The Big Rock café project have eight children and now live West Sussex. Graham has a love of the treasure of Gods word and just so happens to be a cartoonist. Together they seek every opportunity to lift up the light of the Bible, in small group bible study, church meetings and events equipped with a large pad of paper and a squeaky pen, in the hope that others might be encouraged to stand with and build upon its truths.
Praying at the same time for us as well that God will open to us a door for the word so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ …. Colossians 4v3
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